547 Speedvale Avenue E Guelph, Ontario N1E 1P6
MLS# 40704085 - Buy this house, and I'll buy Yours*

End Big Image


CAN BE CONVERTED INTO OTHER BRAND. Excellent Pizza Store in Guelph, ON is For Sale. Located at the intersection of Speedvale Ave E/Eramosa Rd. Surrounded by Fully Residential Neighborhood, Close to Schools, Minutes from Major Big Box Stores and more. Excellent Business with Good Sales Volume, Low Rent, Long Lease, and More. Weekly Sales: $8,000 - $9,000, Rent: $2,938/m incl TMI, HST and Water, Lease Term: 10 years total ( 2938 for first 5 years from year six it will only increase 50$ per year),Store Area: around 800 sqft , Royalty: $900+ HST/monthly. Utility: Approx. $700/monthly. Excellent Business with Good Sales Volume, Low Rent, Long Lease, and More. (id:51158)


Name Tito's Pizza

Property Details

MLS® Number 40704085
Property Type Business

About 547 Speedvale Avenue E, Guelph, Ontario

This For sale Property is located at 547 Speedvale Avenue E Business, in the City of Guelph Business bedroom(s), bath(s) . 547 Speedvale Avenue E heating . This house features a Fireplace.


This Guelph

The Current price for the property located at 547 Speedvale Avenue E, Guelph is $139,000 and was listed on MLS on :2025-03-06 16:31:08. The current average price in the city of is $0.00. The lowest price listed on MLS for a listing is $0.00. The highest priced 's in the area is prices at $0.00. The city of has 0 - 's listed on the MLS System.


Basement Type None


Acreage No
Size Total Text Unknown
Zoning Description Commercial



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