7141 Highway 50 Vaughan, Ontario L4L 1A5
MLS# N8126928 - Buy this house, and I'll buy Yours*

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Approximately 2.17 Acres. Located on the East side of HWY 50, just North of HWY 407. Adjacent to Glen-Huntington Industrial Business Park Employment. Designated Prestige Employment Allowing many uses. Industrial or Office Building, Hotel, Banquet Center and many more. Easy access to all major highways. (id:51158)

Property Details

MLS® Number N8126928
Property Type Vacant Land
Community Name West Woodbridge Industrial Area
Amenities Near By Highway

About 7141 Highway 50, Vaughan, Ontario

This For sale Property is located at 7141 Highway 50 Vacant Land set in the community of West Woodbridge Industrial Area, in the City of Vaughan. Nearby amenities include - Highway Vacant Land bedroom(s), bath(s) . 7141 Highway 50 heating . This house features a Fireplace.


This Vaughan

The Current price for the property located at 7141 Highway 50, Vaughan is $7,950,000 and was listed on MLS on :2024-04-10 19:25:44. The current average price in the city of is $0.00. The lowest price listed on MLS for a listing is $0.00. The highest priced 's in the area is prices at $0.00. The city of has 0 - 's listed on the MLS System.



Acreage No
Land Amenities Highway
Size Irregular 205.57 Ft ; Being Irregular
Size Total Text 205.57 Ft ; Being Irregular



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