6400 sqft
$6 / ft2
6400 sqft industrial unit available for lease. The space includes a 450 sqft office, laundry room, and large, open industrial space with a 40ft pit for truck and equipment repair. The Mezzanine offers an additional 1900 sqft with a lunch room, washrooms/showers and storage. Located on a paved road, just outside of Brussels, this is the perfect place for your personal or business use. Ask your Realtor for allowed usage as per zoning bylaw. (id:51158)
Property Details
MLS® Number
40692332 |
Property Type
Industrial |
Equipment Type
Propane Tank |
Rental Equipment Type
Propane Tank |
Sign Type
None |
About 84483 Mcnaught Line Unit# 1, Brussels, Ontario
This For lease Property is located at 84483 Mcnaught Line Unit# 1 Industrial, in the City of Brussels Industrial bedroom(s), bath(s) . 84483 Mcnaught Line Unit# 1 heating . This house features a Fireplace.
This Brussels's exterior is finished with Metal, Wood
The Current price for the property located at 84483 Mcnaught Line Unit# 1, Brussels is $6
/ ft2 and was listed on MLS on :2025-01-23 14:28:23. The current average price in the city of is $0.00. The lowest price listed on MLS for a listing is $0.00. The highest priced 's in the area is prices at $0.00. The city of has 0 - 's listed on the MLS System.
Basement Type
None |
Construction Material
Wood Frame |
Exterior Finish
Metal, Wood |
Stories Total
1 |
Size Exterior
6400.0000 |
Size Interior
6400 Sqft |
Utility Water
Well |
Access Type
Road Access |
No |
Septic System |
Size Frontage
260 Ft |
Size Total Text
Unknown |
Zoning Description
Ag 3-2 |